Tuesday 30 June 2009

Friendship Friday ~ What do you value in your close friendships with women?

This is Friendship Friday on a Tuesday! These posts had totally slipped my mind and they are too good to miss so I am posting one today and will be back on track on Friday.

Enjoy :)

Oooohhhh, friendships...

One of my favorite topics and one I grew to appreciate rather later in life than most. After growing up so transient - with seven international moves in my life by the age of 20 - I didn't really figure out that if I wanted to hold onto my friends across oceans I was going to have to work harder than most. When I arrived in Australia to go to uni I stayed six years, and during that time I was blessed with an friendship group that's still going strong today. Two of those friends who did psych with me are still my closest girlfriends even though I haven't lived at home for about seven years now, and they were both in my wedding in Jan. We started something we do every week - sending a "goals" letter on Mondays. So most Monday's (or thereabouts) no matter where I am in the world I receive a letter from the two of them telling me what some of their goals are for the next week, and reporting on how they did on their goals for last week. It helps us stay connected to what we're each focusing on and feel as if we know what's going on in each others lives. So, I think that's one of the things I value most - the continuity and that sense of being tracked and known and valued over time. It's so hard to hang onto that in a world that moves as far and fast as ours can now. And my friendships all over the world, but particularly in Australia, help me feel rooted and grounded. Not so much in place (though one day I'm planning on living back in Oz) but in a relational network that is an intangible home.

~My Hands Came Away Red~

Cheryl Wyatt

I value someone who knows me fully (the good, bad, ugly) but loves me anyway. Someone who, when I confide, holds that confidence as in a vault. Someone who won't just tell me what I want to hear but will tell me the truth in a loving way. Someone who will stick by me through thick and thin and who understands life's busy seasons. Someone who will pray their guts and heart out for me when I'm going through something hard. Someone I can fully know and be fully known to and love through our differences. Someone to be real with and know they're being real with me. Someone to laugh with. Someone who can tolerate my strange sense of humor. Someone who inspires me to grow deeper with God and to run harder after Jesus. Someone I can reciprocate all of the above with, and be that kind of friend for them too. Hugs!

A Soldier’s Promise ~ A Soldier’s Family ~ Ready-Made Family ~ A Soldier's Reunion


Tracy said...

I love Cheryl's opening statements. I learned the hard way that I truly appreciate friends who tell me what they really think rather than one who only says what they think I want to hear.

Jenny said...

Really enjoyed reading this installment of FF. Definitely makes a gal take stock of what kind of friend she is...thanks for sharing.

Cheryl Wyatt said...

Awesome! Thanks guys for coming by.

I hope and pray that you are surrounded with good friends all your life.


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