Friday 31 July 2009

Friendship Friday ~ What do you value in your close friendships with women?

Tamara Tilley

What I value the most with my dearest friend, is that our friendship is timeless. Vicki used to live and work at Hume Lake, the Christian Conference Center where I presently live and work. We would work out with each other in the gym in the wee hours of the
morning, and snatch moments together throughout the day. When she moved to Fresno, I was afraid that we would lose our connection. We both lead such busy lives and the distance between us now is about two hours. Our work schedules don’t line up so we don’t get many opportunities to visit. But our friendship is still as strong today as ever. When one of us calls the other, we fall easily into conversation with each other. We don’t keep track of who called last, or get angry when a call is not returned. We know we are each very busy and time slips away easily. We do not waste valuable moments on the phone making excuses as to why it’s been so long since we talked. We just choose to appreciate each phone call or brief visit, and hold each other up in prayer throughout the week.


Full Disclosure - Abandoned I
dentity - Criminal Obsession

Michelle Sutton

There are so many things I am not sure where to start. With older women there is mentoring and lots of hugs to be gained. I lost my mother when she passed away in 1998 and it has left a gap in my heart that only a mom can fill. Since that time I have felt more drawn to women in their 60s than I have ever before (I'm 42). Sometimes you can really share your heart with an older woman and the special bond that develops makes you feel like you are family. I can't tell my mother things about my current life and what is going on with my kids but I can tell an older woman friend who has been there, done that. I love hugs from my "sisters" in Christ and giving/receiving words of encouragement. I also enjoy mentoring younger women. My boys are both in high school so I've learned a lot I can share with them. This life is hard, so every word that lifts me up or that I can share (from my heart) that lifts someone else up brings us that much closer together. I love my girlfriends. I can laugh with them and cry with them and we feel like sisters in every way even though we aren't related in the flesh. I also adore my cyber friends. I'm a visual person so seeing something in print like, "your story really blessed me" does more for my heart than hearing someone say it in passing. I can function for weeks on those few words. Women are just special to me. Ironically, I didn't care much for my female friends when I was a teenager - and at that time I wasn't a Christian yet myself. They drained me with their boring problems and everything they talked about seemed petty to me. I guess when you have a chronically ill parent like I did you want to slap petty people and say, "enough whining already. Thank God for what you do have." But that's harsh, I know. I've learned since coming to faith in Christ to be patient and offer grace to people who are not necessarily my type of people or who don't see the world the way I do. Oh, and best of all, I love to talk about books and share a great book with a friend. There is so much amazing conversation that can take place surrounding a wonderful story. Okay, so I wrote a novel with my answer. Did you expect any less? Hehehe. Forgive me. :)

It's Not About Me - It's Not About Him


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