Publisher’s Synopsis:
Accompanied by her new English friend, Grace Byler has left Bird-in-Hand to search for her mother in Ohio. But what if Lettie refuses to be found? Meanwhile, Lettie continues her private quest to find the missing piece of her life. Though she is increasingly torn between the family she left behind and the yearning for her long-lost child. Will mother and daughter find the answers they seek?
What I thought: ‘
The Telling’ is the satisfying final book in the Seasons of Grace trilogy. All of the pieces of the puzzle fall into place as Beverly Lewis masterfully ties off each thread that has been so masterfully woven. This final book completes the picture that began so poignantly.
My reading of ‘The Telling’ has been a long time coming. It has been a joy to rejoin Grace as she struggles to understand her mother’s strange behaviour and disappearance. Whilst in previous books I struggled to understand Lettie’'s behaviour and that which could possibly draw her away from her family, it is this book that finally brings all the details out into the open.
I found myself in the very midst of the Byler family'’s conflict. Whilst agonising over how Lettie’s family feel over her sudden disappearance, I finally began to understand what it is that drives her journey. I again found reason aplenty to admire Grace'’s courage and determination as she sets out on an unusual journey to search for her mother.
As Lettie finally returns to Bird-in-Hand and the reasons for her leaving are revealed my heart broke. Beverly provides a moving and heartbreaking illustration of the damage sin and deceit can wreak in our lives and how it affects those we love most. As Lettie seeks to free herself from her sins and find forgiveness for herself, her family must also dig deeply to offer their forgiveness as well. Whilst perhaps a little too easily given to be realistic, the offering of forgiveness is touching and heart warming.
The final scenes of this book bring all the twists and turns to a beautiful conclusion that will leave readers feeling entirely satisfied with the outcome. Beverly has left the Byler’s' story with the reader able to imagine beautiful things for the coming years.
With thanks to Bethany for Tracy's review copy
Guest reviewer: My friend Tracy from Beyond My Picket Fence
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Tracy's reviews of The Secret and The Thorn
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Looking forward to reading this final book in the series.
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