Canadian author and pastor, Murray Pura, releases his first Amish novel, The Wings of Morning, available from Harvest House.
Jude Whetstone and Lyyndaya Kurtz, whose families are converts to the
Amish faith, are slowly falling in love. Jude has also fallen in love
with flying that new-fangled invention, the aeroplane.The Amish
communities have rejected the telephone and have forbidden motorcar
ownership but not yet electricity or aeroplanes.
Though exempt from
military service on religious grounds, Jude is manipulated by
unscrupulous army officers into enlisting in order to protect several
Amish men. No one in the community understands Jude's sudden enlistment
and so he is shunned. Lyyndaya's despair deepens at the reports that
Jude has been shot down in France. In her grief, she turns to nursing
Spanish flu victims in Philadelphia. After many months of caring for
stricken soldiers, Lyyndaya is stunned when an emaciated Jude turns up
in her ward.
Enjoy meeting Jude & Lyyndaya!
Brief physical description
Jude Whetstone - brown hair, brown eyes, average height and build
Jude Whetstone - brown hair, brown eyes, average height and build
Lyyndaya Kurtz - blonde hair, green eyes, average height
Actor/famous person
Jude - think James Franco in Flyboys
Lyyndaya - think Maggie Grace from Lost
Strengths and weaknesses
Jude - quiet, confident, brave, loyal - he should speak up for
himself more
Lyyndaya - compassionate, forgiving, strong - her temper and
emotions can sometimes get the better of her
Quirk (if any)
Jude - silk flying scarves
Lyyndaya - never fastening her prayer kapp properly
Your inspiration for the character
Jude - I suppose the man I would want to be if I were flying a biplane 100 years ago and placed into a combat situation - fearless, confident, putting his men first, loving Lyyndaya even though there are thousands of miles of silence between them
Lyyndaya - my own blonde wife who has the same mix of compassion and feistiness and beauty - stunning but not aware of how stunning she really is.
Quirk (if any)
Jude - silk flying scarves
Lyyndaya - never fastening her prayer kapp properly
Your inspiration for the character
Jude - I suppose the man I would want to be if I were flying a biplane 100 years ago and placed into a combat situation - fearless, confident, putting his men first, loving Lyyndaya even though there are thousands of miles of silence between them
Lyyndaya - my own blonde wife who has the same mix of compassion and feistiness and beauty - stunning but not aware of how stunning she really is.
Background to the story
This alienates him from his Amish community
in Pennsylvania and also strains his relationship with Lyyndaya to the breaking
point. It not only becomes a question of whether or not Jude will survive the
war, or whether the romance between him and Lyyndaya will still be alive and well
if he does. The bigger question is if the man known as Jude Whetstone will even
exist anymore after months of fierce and bloody air warfare in Europe.
Relz Reviewz ExtrasVisit Murray's website and AmishReader
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