Publisher’s Synopsis:
Astrid Bjorklund wants to use her medical training to serve God and feels that He might be leading her in the direction of missionary service. Smarting from a misunderstanding with Joshua Landsverk, the young man she thought she loved, she heads south to a missionary training school, hoping to eventually use her skills in some remote outpost in Africa. When she is called home to help in a family medical crisis, a door of opportunity opens for her unexpectedly. Perhaps the “mission field” God intends for her is not exactly what she imagined. Plunging into her new venture with all her energy, she won’t let herself be discouraged by some disapproving townsfolk in Blessing. But when a certain young man also expresses opposition, she’s caught off guard. If she follows God’s call, will love pass her by?
What I thought:
Lauraine Snelling’s gift for masterful storytelling is obvious, as her second Home to Blessing novel, ‘No Distance Too Far’, continues the story of the Bjorklund family. A surprising plot and endearing characters make this a memorable read in a genre that is often characterised by plots that are predictable and commonplace.
Having not read any other books by Lauraine Snelling I was a little concerned about picking up the threads that had already begun to be woven in previous books. ‘No Distance Too Far’ put those fears to rest as I was able to quickly acquaint myself with the characters and their relationships with one another.
Astrid is a young woman whom I related to as she searches for God’s clear direction in her life. I admired her deliberate determination to seek God and to walk in whatever path He would set before her. Astrid’s frustration and confusion in her seeking was realistic and tangible and a journey that I have experienced in my own faith. I was pleased to see that the outworking and resolution of Astrid’s seeking of God ended in her taking a path she had no initially envisaged. For me, this added to the authenticity and credibility that made the story one I invested myself in.
‘No Distance Too Far’ brings out deep Biblical truths in a way that helps the reader to sort through the challenges faced when seeking to follow God’s will. God’s path often takes a circuitous route, but the route is also filled with lessons that are not easily learned any other way. Astrid’s journey illuminates these lessons in a manner that is easily understood.
With thanks to Bethany for Tracy's review copy
Guest reviewer:~ My friend Tracy from Beyond My Picket Fence
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Review of Breaking Free
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Oooh I can't wait to get my hands on this one. I love Luaraine's books. I haven't missed reading one and there hasn't been one I haven't enjoyed.
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