In 227 BC, a young woman decides taking her own life is the only way she can escape the pain and futility of her life. Yet when her current patron, politician and schemer, Glaucos, succumbs to an untimely death, Tessa of Delos, the most highly paid and sought after courtesan on the island of Rhodes feels an unfamiliar seed of hope take root in her heart.
Accustomed to the hard work of a slave, Nikos knows first hand the joy of freedom, and in honour of the father who saved him masquerades as a servant to ingratiate himself in to the home of his father's enemy, the famous Glaucos of Rhodes. Spiro craves Glaucus' power and his beautiful hetaera Tessa in equal measure and he will gladly sink to whatever depths he needs to acquire both.
Fuelled by desperation and her burning desire for the freedom of her body, mind and spirit, Tessa embarks on a journey which may transform her life or just as surely, destroy it.
T L Higley transported me to the magnificent island of Rhodes, a cultural mecca of the ancient world, basking in the shadow of the enormous Colossus of Helios, in this tantalising novel of political intrigue and spiritual redemption. I felt Tessa's pain, a woman with great political influence yet without freedom, sold to the highest bidder. Nikos knows Tessa's status but is drawn to her and sees her as God does, as a woman of great worth. The Jewish plight is told through the eyes of Simeon and his family and God's faithfulness is shown through Simeon's devotion and Nikos' sacrifice.
Fast paced adventure, fascinating characters and insights in to the culture, politics and people of this ancient world make Shadow of Colossus a unique and unmissable read. I am delighted that the Ancient World will continue to be revealed in subsequent Seven Wonders novels by T L Higley.
Available August from B&H
Relz Reviewz Extras
Visit Tracy's fascinating website
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Thanks to the generosity of B&H publishers and Tracy, I have a terrific giveaway open to all my readers!
I have four copies of Shadow of Colossus to give away to my Australian readers, and two copies (signed by Tracy) to give away to my American readers!
Please read the contest rules carefully! To enter:~
1. Post a comment by midnight Thursday 31st July, 2008 and let me know whether you have an Australian or American postal address by adding (AUS) or (USA) at the end of your post.
2. You must also leave contact details to be entered into the draw (RBC book club members excepted - I've got yours down pat!)
This sounds like a cool book!
Please enter me :)
joyfuljewelz (at)
Sounds like an interesting book. I think you know my details! Thanks Rel (AUS)
Wow! This book sounds very intruging and I'm drawn by the setting of the story. Just add me in, thanks.
I totally want to read this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
camy {atty} camytang {dotty} com
oh enter me please!!!!
This sounds like a really great book Rel. Please enter me. I have a AU address.
It's a long while since I've read a book set in this era. And what a fascinating plot!
Please enter me too (AUS).
A great read, fascinating culture and adventure. What more could one ask from a book?! Please enter me in your marvelous book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I live int the United States. Cindi
This sounds fascinating! Please enter me. sarah.nasal at gmail dot com. (USA)
This is not the type of book I usually read, but I am drawn in by your review, Rel. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Sound like another great read, Please enter me thanks Wendyb AUS
Sounds interesting and thought provoking. Heather ( USA )
Lalycairn at
Please enter me in! (AUS)
Please enter me also. (aus)
It looks like an interesting book
Sounds like a good book so please enter my name also.Ta.P.S Im an Aussie.
hey rel you can take my name out of the drawing, i just got a copy in the mail today!
I must say your review has me hooked - I'd love to read this book! please enter me in the draw - thanks rel. (Au address)
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