When the part time position won't pay the bills Maizy looks for another role to bolster her income. Thankful for the first time in her life for her quirky name, Maizy applies for a job with Steeple Side Christian Resources, believing it will give her a shoe in to the position. Steeple Side only employs those born again and with a name reminiscent of the famous hymn surely they will believe she is one of them.....won't they?
With her Dumb Blonde's Guide to Christianity, Maizy sets out to transform herself in to the perfect Christian, bumper stickers, WWJD bracelet and KJV Bible included. Maizy doesn't count on the appealing and penetrating gaze of Steeple Side's managing editor looking beyond her outward appearance straight to her heart. When the newspaper wants Maizy to expose hypocrisy among Steeple Side's employees, she is torn between resurrecting her journalistic career and following the seeds of hope her Steeple Side colleagues and God have planted in her soul.
Faking Grace takes a humourous and entertaining look at the cliches Christians too often engage in when the truth of God's love and the freedom of His forgiveness can transform our lives. Tamara Leigh succeeds again in wrapping appealing characters and a fun storyline around deep truths that will challenge you as you laugh, agonise and love with Maizy Grace. Maizy and Jack steal the limelight with sparkling attraction, witty dialogue and authentic responses to betrayal, manipulation and pain. That being said, Tamara has used her minor characters well, establishing through them a true picture of imperfect and struggling Christians. I always know with a Tamara Leigh novel that I am going to fall in love with her characters, be challenged to be more authentic and to delight in the grace and joy God longs to bestow on us - Faking Grace is no exception!
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As seen at TitleTrakk.com
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Thanks to Tamara's generosity, I have a signed copy of Faking Grace to give away! To enter:~
1. Post a comment before midnight on Sunday 31st August, 2008
2. Share whom or what has encouraged you the most in your faith walk (not including the Trinity!)?
Don't forget to leave contact details!
Definitely my super-MAMA! A widowed paraplegic, Mom raised the 4 of us without questioning God's goodness. From Canada, to Africa, to the U.S., she carted us around and taught us to love God wholeheartedly.
A friend at church - always a positive attitude, sees the best in everyone, even in difficult situations.
My Mum has been a huge encouragement to me in my faith. She introduced me to Jesus and taught me so much about Him!
I'd love to enter this giveaway, Rel.
daniellecentral [at] gmail.com
I think all my family but I will single out my Grandad who always would quietly sit and discuss all things Godly with me and then later on with my husband when he became part of our family.
My parent's have had a huge influence on my faith walk. No matter what they've been through, I've never seen them turn their back on God.
Please enter me :)
joyfuljewelz (at) gmail.com
My mom was probably the biggest influence for me to just be the best I could for God. She was always there to encourage, no matter how dark the situation was. She was the best mom growing and she still is a great mom and awesome grandma for my kids.
My mom was probably the biggest influence for me to just be the best I could for God. She was always there to encourage, no matter how dark the situation was. She was the best mom growing and she still is a great mom and awesome grandma for my kids.
This sounds like my kind of read. I'd love to enter please. :)
My dad would have to be the biggest influence in my Christian walk. He and my mum were children's church pastors when I was little, then went on to mission school, we then went on the missionfield where my parents worked for a Christian publisher and started their own church, and through it all my parents showed me how great God could really be. Even when things went really bad and my dad was killed on a missions trip, I'd been given enough strength through my dad's example and teaching that I was able to maintain my Godly course in life.
littleminx at cox dot net
I was blessed with Christian parents, so it would have to be their influence. While many Sunday School teachers, youth ministers and Bible college professors influenced me, it was my parents who were faithfully involved in church and modeled their belief in our home.
Thanks for the giveaway!
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I hope Canadians can enter? My DH is my biggest support in my faith :).
This sounds like a very funny book!
My husband has encouraged me the most; his love for others, his giving heart and his amazing insights into the Word of God. I am so blessed!
I accepted Christ at age 26 and a friend named Mary P. encouraged me by giving me Bible verses to read and by simply "being there" whenever I had questions.
Looking forward to this book! MY Mom has always been my best encourager in the faith and I hope to be the same for my daughter.
Sigh...still don't have my copy, Rel....a godly jealousy doth beset me now:-)
Wow, that is hard. There have been so many people who have been influential in my faith. I guess I'd have to say my parents, though. Their faithful prayers and living out what they believed ultimately had a big impact in my life.
I'm intrigued my your description and excited to read the book, one way or another!!
What a great review. Tamara Leigh's books are fabulous. Like you said, I like the humor combined with deeper truths. Please enter me in your book drawing. I would love to win this book. Thanks very much.....Cindi
My Grandma and Mom have been a great encouragement in my life with Christ. Without having them here to talk through things or just be a good example for me, I don't know what I would have done. Thanks for the chance to win:)
Oh please enter me! :)
I think my parents have encouraged me most in my faith ~ they live a faith-in-action kind of life, being missionaries and encourage nothing less for myself.
Them...and all those authors of Christian fiction whose books I have read over the years, beginning with Hilda Stahl, at the tender age of 9! Each book has brought with it its own unique story of faith.
I can't wait to read this book so please enter me!
There have been many people and events that have encouraged me over the years and it's hard to pinpoint one. I think of a lady by the name of Lynne, who modelled Christ and was very wise and encouraging when I was a young christian. I was privelged to have her in my life again when I was just a new mum and definetly benefited from her real world faith.
sounds like a great book!
encouraged me the most:
my grandmother, my pastor's wife and a dear friend from church! I have been blessed to know many godly women!
My dad. He showed me God's grace many times. I'd love to win the book!
I have had many great influences in my life but a big one would be my Sunday School Teacher I had when I was in year three. To this day she still phones me, sends birthday and christmas cards and loves to come visit when I am in town. She has shown me the grace of a true godly woman.
Hands down, my friend Julie! She has the most contageous laugh and a personality that leaves you wanting more time with her. She is such an encourager and good listener too. She answers the phone at our church's counceling center. She has talked many people out of taking their own life, having an affair, sleeping with their boyfriend and so much more. She has a special effect on people. A gift from God and an inspiration to many!
cmrobin at bellsouth net
I would have to say my dad. His childlike faith, unwavering committment and unconditional love and guidance have shown me a great example of the Father's love for me. I have enjoyed Tamara's other books and would love to win this one!
Having had the privilege of being brought up in a loving Christian home I would have to say the support and unconditional love of my parents would have been the greatest influence on my faith walk. Wendyb
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