Monday, 31 May 2010

Character Spotlight ~ Deborah Raney's Bryn Hennesey & Garrett Edmonds

Bryn Hennesey & Garrett Edmonds

I have been a fan of Deb Raney's writing for years and am looking forward to her new Hanover Falls series, beginning with the just released, Almost Forever. Deb excels at characterisation and realistic stories so be sure to look out for her books.

Enjoy this insight in her latest characters, Bryn & Garrett:~

Brief physical description:

I always start my research of the characters with photos, so in my mind, Bryn and Garrett look exactly like these images. I was so pleased with how close the cover art got to Bryn’s appearance!

Strengths and weaknesses:

Bryn: Bryn’s weakness, initially, is that she is unable to admit the truth about herself, about her motives and her fragile human nature. She is willing to believe a lie that’s comfortable rather than face a tragic truth. Bryn’s strength, eventually, is a complete turnaround of her weakness: realizing the importance of honesty and being willing to place her life on the line so that the truth may be revealed.

Garrett: Garrett’s weakness is a result of his grief. He allows his longing for comfort and healing to cloud his judgement. Garrett’s strengths are many. He is a genuinely kind and selfless person, he is wonderful with children, he is generous and down-to-earth.

Your inspiration for the character:

My husband is always the hero of all my books. :) Of course, after 20 books, I’ve tried to create some leads with very different personalities than my husband’s, but Ken’s characteristics of honesty, selflessness, kindness and his ability to make me laugh usually show up in my hero. Come to think of it, I have been blessed with so many wonderful men in my life––my father, brother, our two sons––after whom to pattern my male characters.

Background to the story:

My husband is always clipping stories out of the newspaper that he thinks I’ll find interesting––that he thinks might hold the seed of an idea for a future novel. One day he placed a clipping in front of me––the story of nine heroic firefighters who were killed in a fire in Charleston, SC. That story and the career of my firefighter nephew, got me thinking about the lives of the survivors and how they would find the will to go on after such a tragedy. The Hanover Falls novels explore the questions I encountered that day.

Here’s a short synopsis of Almost Forever, the first book in the Hanover Falls Novels series from Howard/Simon & Schuster:

Unearthing a lost memory may cause her to lose everything she holds dear…but could it also set her free? Volunteer Bryn Hennesey was there at the Grove Street Homeless Shelter the night five heroic firefighters died at the scene. Among them was her husband, Adam. But a terrifying absence of memory has her wondering if she might, in some way, be responsible. Garrett Edmonds' wife, Molly, was the only female firefighter to perish in the blaze. He was supposed to protect the woman he loved. Now she's the one who's died a hero. How can he go on in the face of such unbearable loss? And what started the fire that destroyed the dreams and futures of so many? Investigators are stumped. But someone knows the answer.

Deb ~ thanks for sharing! I'm really looking forward to reading this series.

On Thursday, the spotlight shines on Bodie Thoene's Princess Kaiulani from Love Finds You in Lahaina, Hawaii.

Relz Reviewz Extras

Reviews of Remember to Forget and Leaving November

Visit Deb's website

Buy Deb's books at Amazon or Koorong

The winners of Nowhere, Carolina are....

Michelle V & Analy ~ congratulations.

Emails are on their way!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

CFBA Blog Tour of A Matter of Character by Robin Lee Hatcher

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

A Matter Of Character

Zondervan (May 25, 2010)


Robin Lee Hatcher


Robin Lee Hatcher discovered her vocation as a novelist after many years of reading everything she could put her hands on, including the backs of cereal boxes and ketchup bottles. The winner of the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction (Whispers from Yesterday), the RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance (Patterns of Love and The Shepherd's Voice), two RT Career Achievement Awards (Americana Romance and Inspirational Fiction), and the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, Robin is the author of over 50 novels, including Catching Katie, named one of the Best Books of 2004 by the Library Journal.

Robin enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, reading books that make her cry, and watching romantic movies. She is passionate about the theater, and several nights every summer, she can be found at the outdoor amphitheater of the Idaho Shakespeare Festival, enjoying Shakespeare under the stars. She makes her home outside of Boise, sharing it with Poppet the high-maintenance Papillon


It's 1918, and Daphne McKinley, heiress to a small fortune, has found contentment in the town of Bethlehem Springs, Idaho. But Daphne has a secret.

A series of dime novels loosely based on local lore and featuring a nefarious villain known as Rawhide Rick has enjoyed modest popularity among readers. Nobody in Bethlehem Springs knows the man behind the stories ... except Daphne.

When newspaperman Joshua Crawford comes to town searching for the man who sullied the good name of his grandfather, Daphne finds herself at a crossroads, reassessing the power of her words, re-thinking how best to honor her gifts, and reconsidering what she wants out of life.

Robin is conducting a contest for the new book. Join in the fun

If you would like to read the Prologue and first Chapter of A Matter Of Character, go HERE.

Rel here:~ Robin's book is next up in my TBR and I know I will enjoy it. She knows just what to serve up to her readers :) My review will be posted soon.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Getting to know Richard Mabry M.D.

Former physician turned writer, Richard Mabry M.D. combines his medical knowledge with a love of suspense in his debut series, Prescription for Trouble. If you enjoy medical mysteries, pick up your copy of Code Blue stat!

Over to you, Richard:~

If you could have chosen your own name, what would it be?

I’d probably go with my current middle name: Lee

Did you have a special toy that went everywhere with you when you were young? Please describe.

Not a toy, but a patchwork quilt that my grandmother made. Dragged it around like Linus until it fell apart.

If you were stranded on a desert island what one object would you want with you? (Besides your Bible)

A computer with high speed Internet access.

What's your favourite ice cream flavour?

German chocolate cake

What did you want to be when you grew up?

At first, I wanted to be a pilot (because my uncle was a fighter pilot in World War II). In my early ‘teens I decided I’d be a lawyer, because I was good at debate. Between my junior and senior years in high school, God told me I was going to be a physician. Surprisingly enough, for that age, I listened to Him. Glad I did.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Back to Freudenstadt, in Germany’s Black Forest, to relax and unwind.

Favourite book?

Too many to list. Right now I’m re-reading the entire works of Robert B. Parker.

Favourite movie?

Bull Durham (Susan Sarandan, Kevin Costner, and baseball—what a trifecta).

ER, General Hospital, Scrubs or M*A*S*H?!

Of the four,MASH is the only one I’ve watched. Liked it as much for the military slant as for the medical. (I served three years in the Air Force).

Baseball, basketball or gridiron? (I’d put cricket in there but don’t like my chances!)

To play? Baseball. To watch? Football. To totally confuse me? Cricket.

Where's the most interesting place you have been?

Too many to list, but the one that stands out is Petra (“the rose-red city half as old as time”) in Jordan.

Great Barrier Reef, Uluru (Ayers Rock) or Sydney Harbour Bridge?

Love beautiful scenery, so Uluru.

What's your most fervent prayer?

I agree with Anne Lamott that there are really only two prayers—“please, please, please” and “thank you, thank you, thank you.” I utter them both a lot.

What is your favourite Bible verse (or "one" of your favorites) and what does it mean to you?

Romans 8:38-39. These verses took on new meaning for me after the death of my first wife, Cynthia. I still use them when I sign copies of The Tender Scar: Life After The Death Of A Spouse.

Where did you go on your first date with your wife, Kay?

El Fenix restaurant in Dallas, near the medical school where we both worked. Enjoyed Tex-Mex food, talked for two hours, emerged to find that a tornado had struck just thirty miles away and we were totally unaware of it.

You are a husband, father, grandfather, physician, teacher and writer. What do you believe is your greatest achievement in life so far?

Professional accomplishments notwithstanding, I’m proudest of my children and grandchildren.

Ask each of your grandchildren one thing they love about you and share it with us, please!

My twelve-year-old grandson loves me because I teach him about baseball. The five-year-old loves me because I give him his favorite junk food (Doritos). The two- and one-year-old girls are withholding their votes for now.

My readers recently submitted questions to ask authors ~ the questions in italics are their contributions (thanks, guys!)

How does your writing impact on your faith?

With me, it’s the other way around. My faith affects my writing—I try to live my faith each day, and that includes incorporating it into my writing.

How does God use your writing to teach you lessons of your own?

Sometimes my plotting causes me to rethink my own behavior. There are times when I write about a character doing something, only to pause and think, “I wouldn’t do that myself—but I should.”

How do you describe your walk with Jesus?

Stumbling forward, trying to keep my eye on the One who is leading the way.

Pet peeves in Christian fiction?

Books with conversion scenes and exhortations that don’t seem at all realistic.

What Christian fiction do you read?

Mainly thrillers and suspense: most recently James Scott Bell and Brandilyn Collins.

What matters most to you in this life?

“…Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Heb. 12:1b

What is your process in developing characters for your novels?

I first consider what I picture them doing. Then I choose their profession, fill in their background, and finally write a sketch that includes their physical characteristics, what kind of car they drive, etc. Somewhere along the line I choose a name that I think fits them (and that isn’t too similar to that of another character).

How do you feel about overt "plan of salvation" novels, vs. those that are faith-based but leave it to the reader to understand the message?

I’m not comfortable writing the former type, although some people write them well, and some readers clamour for them. As I said before, I commit my own faith to the printed page in the way the characters live their lives, face adversity, and encounter God along the way. I learned long ago that as a Christian my goal is to plant the seed. But I definitely have to see that it’s been planted and watered as the novel winds down.

What's your number one best way to carve time to write out of your busy schedule?

Who says I’m able to regularly carve out time? I write best (and complain most) when under deadline. That’s when I sequester myself in my office for a couple of hours after breakfast and again in the afternoon. Beyond that, I try to write several mornings a week. But, as we all know, sometimes life gets in the way, most often in the form of family obligations. And, frankly, I think those come first.

What was the most difficult book for you to write in terms of research, character development, etc?

Like most writers, I’ve written several novels that were never published. These early works posed the greatest problem in that area, because I was a total neophyte, learning along the way.

As far as everyday people go, who has influenced you or helped you the most in your Christian walk?

God has blessed me twice with the love of a wonderful woman. My late wife, Cynthia, and my wife, Kay, have helped me stay on track, providing a great example and gentle encouragement.

What's your favorite kind of pizza?

Thin crust pizza with ground beef, mushrooms, and black olives, generally consumed while watching the Dallas Cowboys play football on TV.


Please describe each of your main characters with one word.

Dr. Anna Sewell: tortured

Will Kennedy: steady

Dr. Marcus Bell: enigmatic

Matthew and Dora Kennedy: supportive

Ella Mae Mercer: mysterious

Dr. Josh Samuels: insightful

Dr. Arthur Harshman: curmudgeonly

How did you choose their names?

I simply tried to come up with names that fit the characters, while not sounding too much like those of other characters. Of course, there was a reason for picking the names of Dr. Arthur Harshman and Dr. Josh Samuels. Maybe my readers can figure that one out after they’re read the book.

Cathy suffers greatly from the rejection of other established doctors and their reluctance to give her hospital privileges. Did you observe that behaviour towards new and/or female doctors a lot during your career?

This is rare, but it does happen. On the other hand, if I’d written about how loving and accepting the town doctors were, it would have been a short and very boring novel.

Your first book was non-fiction, The Tender Scar, written following the death of your first wife. How has your writing experience been different this time around with a novel?

As different as cheese and chalk. The Tender Scar was based on my journaling done for two years after Cynthia died. I used segments of those thoughts as a jumping off place to detail my experiences, my failures and successes, and my advice. The material was there, I just had to identify it and put it into proper form.

On the other hand, fiction requires pulling a plot out of thin air and populating it. For each novel, I had a rough idea of how things were going to turn out, but I was in total control of the flow of the plot. It was a real challenge to pull that off. Hope I did it successfully with Code Blue.

Medical Error releases in September, 2010. A sneak peek, please?

Dr. Anna McIntyre’s life was going along just fine until someone else started living it. Her patient died because of an identity mix-up, her medical career is in jeopardy because of forged prescriptions, and her credit is slipping away. She thought things couldn’t get worse, but that was before she opened the envelope and saw a positive HIV test with her name on it.

Her allies are two men who are also competing for her affection. Dr. Nick Valentine is a cynic who carries a load of guilt. Attorney Ross Donovan is a recovering alcoholic. The deeper Anna digs to discover who’s behind the identity thefts, the higher the stakes. Finally, when her life is on the line, Anna finds that her determination to clear her name might have been a prescription for trouble.

Care to share what is in your writing pipeline now?

I’m awaiting the macro-edits for the third novel in the Prescription For Trouble series, Diagnosis Death. Here’s a taste:

After her comatose husband died in the ICU while on life support, the whispers about Dr. Allison Williams began. They were stronger when another of her critically ill patients died. After she took up practice in a small town, the whispers turned to a shout: “mercy killing.” What was the dark secret that kept Allison’s lips sealed when she should be defending herself?

I’m also starting work on my fourth novel, as yet uncontracted. It’s about an antibiotic that is saving thousands of lives. Unfortunately it’s soon evident that the drug has potentially lethal late effects that were hidden by one of the developers. Soon the race is on to discover the person who has the key to reversing the process.

Thanks so much, Richard, for spending your valuable time with us at Relz Reviewz. Looking forward to the rest of your Prescription for Trouble series :)

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of Code Blue

Character spotlight on Cathy & Will

Read the first chapter of Code Blue

Visit Richard's website and blog

Buy Richard's books at Amazon or CBD

Friday, 28 May 2010

Enemies Among Us by Bob Hamer with giveaways


Matt Hogan loves being an undercover FBI agent almost as much as he loves his wife, Caitlin. But when the daring-some would say reckless-G-Man totals two vehicles in his Beverly Hills pursuit of a fleeing Arab drug runner, he incurs the wrath of the Bureau's hierarchy. To avoid almost-certain suspension, he accepts a new assignment to track terrorist cell groups while posing as a volunteer at World Angel Clinic, a Christian ministry reaching out to injured Third World children. What Matt doesn't know is that the ripples of danger from this case will threaten not only his and Caitlin's life and happiness, but also the safety and security of the entire nation.

My take:~

Love great action, a genuine hero and some nasty bad guys? Searching for an authentic, fascinating and thought provoking novel? Don't assume you can't have both as Bob Hamer's debut novel, Enemies Among Us, proves without question. Combine Robert Liparulo's dangerous escapades, Randy Singer's intrigue and Oliver North's credibility and there you will find Bob Hamer. This former marine and FBI agent turned writer, engages the reader from the first page, journeying with his character Matt Hogan, into the formidable and often precarious world of an undercover agent. Adventurous and often reckless, Matt Hogan is also a devoted husband and compassionate man, reflecting reality rather than Hollywood fantasy. Matt wrestles with the impact of his wife's faith upon his work and his own rejection of God in a manner that is refreshingly realistic. Bob skilfully provides a glimpse into the FBI including the mundane nature of paperwork, the cumbersome machinations of bureaucracy and sometimes dangerously ineffective personnel while maintaining interest in the story. If you enjoy a good dose of reality served up with your thriller, don't miss Enemies Among Us. With the door left wide open for a sequel, I can't wait to read more of what Bob has to offer.

With thanks to B&H for my review copy

Relz Reviewz Extras

Visit Bob's website

Check out the Fidelis website

Buy Bob's book at Amazon or Koorong

Come back next week for my exclusive interview with Bob!

Sneak peek at MaryLu Tyndall's Surrender the Night

MaryLu Tyndall's Surrender to Destiny series begins with Surrender the Heart, releasing in August this year. Surrender the Heart arrives in January, 2011 and here's a look at the cover and synopsis.


Surrender the Night by MaryLu Tyndall

When Rose McGuire nurses a wounded British Naval officer back to health in the barn on her Baltimore farm, she hardly expected to fall in love with him, especially since his countrymen murdered her father. Nor did she expect, after their profession of love, that she would meet him again as enemies when British troops invaded Washington DC in an attempt to burn the American capital to the ground.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Character Spotlight ~ Lisa Tawn Bergren's Moira from Sing and Nic from Claim

Moira & Nic St Claire

Lisa T. Bergren is one talented writer! Over the years she has written romantic suspense, supernatural tales, women's fiction, children's books and soon a foray into YA! Her current Homeward Trilogy is an historical series about the St Claire siblings, Odessa, Moira & Dominic.

Enjoy this peek into what makes Moira and Nic unique:~

Brief physical description

Moira: blond, blue-eyed, “model Southern Californian” (or “model Sydney citizen”!)

Nic: broad-shouldered, pugilist, tough as nails, handsome with dark hair and square jaw

Actor/famous person

Moira: Tara Reid

Nic: Tom Cruise

Strengths and weaknesses

Moira: gifted singer, optimist (strength); headstrong, pride (weakness)

Nic: physical strength, loyal (strength); defiant, anger (weakness)

Your inspiration for the character

For both Moira and Nic, I wanted to portray people on a prodigal path. I had no one specific in mind—just bits and pieces of others’ stories that worked for them.

Background to the story

Moira and Nic have travelled with their sister, Odessa, to Colorado, in order to chase the cure for her consumption. Once she’s on a path toward healing (BREATHE), and after their father’s death, they feel free to pursue their own dreams and goals—which are far from what their father wanted for them. In SING, all three siblings encounter massive trauma, forcing them to consider their faith foundations, and where “home” truly is.

The theme for SING: Finding your way to praise God, even in the face of difficult circumstances

The theme for CLAIM: Acknowledging that no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, God’s grace always covers us and calls us home.

Lisa ~ appreciate your time sharing about Moira and Nic. I have just finised Sing and enjoyed it thoroughly and am looking forward to reading Nic's story in Claim.

On Monday the spotlight shines on Bryn Hennesey and Garrett Edmonds from Deborah Raney's Almost Forever, the first of her Hanover Falls series.

Relz Reviewz Extras

Reviews of The Begotten and The Betrayed and The Blessed
Character Spotlight on Daria, Gianni, Piero, Hasani & Abramo
Visit Lisa's author website and travel website
Buy Lisa's books at Amazon or Koorong

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Blog tour of Life, In Spite of Me by Kristen Anderson with Tricia Goyer

After her fatal choice... extraordinary hope.

Why does my life have to be so painful?
What's wrong with me?
It's not going to get better.
It could all be over soon, and then I won't hurt anymore.

Kristen Anderson thought she had the picture perfect life until strokes of gray dimmed her outlook on life. Once a happy child, Kristen's world darkened after three friends and her grandmother died within two years. Still reeling from these losses, she was raped by a friend she thought she could trust. She soon spiraled into a depression that didn't seem to have a bottom.

One January night, the seventeen-year-old made a decision: She no longer wanted to deal with the emotional pain that smothered her. She lay down on a set of cold railroad tracks and waited-for a freight train to send her to heaven...and peace.

Fear coursed through me. I squeezed my eyes tighter.
It's going to be over now. The pain is going to end. I'll be in heaven soon.
As the train whistle blew, the vibration of my body stilled.
The sound stopped. The wind stopped. The train stopped.
Am I dead yet?

Amazingly, Kristen survived her suicide attempt... but the 33 freight cars that ran over her severed her legs. Now she not only had to deal with depression; she also had to face the physical pain and life without legs.

But Kristen's story didn't end there. After her darkest days Kristen discovered a real purpose for living. Now, in her compelling book Life, In Spite of Me, Kristen shares her journey from despair to hope. Includes letters from Kristen that share messages she wishes someone would have told her-when she was depressed and struggling with loss, shame from sexual abuse, and suicidal thoughts.


Tricia Goyer is the author of twenty-four books including Songbird Under a German Moon, The Swiss Courier, and the mommy memoir, Blue Like Play Dough. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like MomSense and Thriving Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in Little Rock, Arkansas where they are part of the ministry of FamilyLife. For more info, please visit

My take:~

You know it takes something very special to pull me away from a novel and Kristen Anderson's Life, In Spite of Me is just that. This powerful story of Kristen's attempt to take her life, the harrowing journey through unimaginable pain and fear after losing her legs and her rediscovery of faith, hope and purpose, is a gift to those who read it. Although co-written, it is very much Kristen's voice, sharing both her heartache and new found joy. Life, In Spite of Me is truely inspirational and a testament to Kristen's determination and the faithfulness of God.

Check out the rest of the blog tour


Tweet this: Don’t miss Life, In Spite of Me by @TriciaGoyer! The amazing story of #KristenAnderson journey back from #suicide!
(must use both hashtags #kristenanderson and #suicide)

For a chance to win a 5 book Tricia Goyer library – any five books of your choice!


Leave a comment here for a chance to win 1 of 5 copies of Life, In Spite of Me.

CFBA Blog Tour of Frenzy by Robert Liparulo

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing


Thomas Nelson (May 18, 2010)


Robert Liparulo


Robert Liparulo is a former journalist, with over a thousand articles and multiple writing awards to his name. His first novel, Comes a Horseman, released to critical acclaim. Each of his subsequent thrillers—Germ, Deadfall, and Deadlock—secured his place as one of today’s most popular and daring thriller writers.

He is known for investing deep research and chillingly accurate predictions of near-future scenarios into his stories. In fact, his thorough, journalistic approach to research has resulted in his becoming an expert on the various topics he explores in his fiction, and he has appeared on such media outlets as CNN and ABC Radio.

Liparulo’s visual style of writing has caught the eye of Hollywood producers. Currently, three of his novels for adults are in various stages of development for the big screen: the film rights to
Comes A Horseman. were purchased by the producer of Tom Clancy’s movies; and Liparulo is penning the screenplays for GERM and Deadfall for two top producers. He is also working with the director Andrew Davis (The Fugitive, Holes) on a political thriller. Novelist Michael Palmer calls Deadfall “a brilliantly crafted thriller.” March 31st marked the publication of Deadfall’s follow-up, Deadlock, which novelist Gayle Lynds calls, “best of high-octane suspense.”

Liparulo’s bestselling young adult series, Dreamhouse Kings, debuted in 2008 with House of Dark Shadows and Watcher in the Woods. Book three, Gatekeepers, released in January 2009, and number four, Timescape, in July 2009, and number five, Whirlwind in December 2009. The series has garnered praise from readers, both young and old, as well as attracting famous fans who themselves know the genre inside and out. Of the series, Goosebumps creator R.L. Stine says, “I loved wandering around in these books. With a house of so many great, haunting stories, why would you ever want to go outside?”

With the next two Dreamhouse books “in the can,” he is currently working on his next thriller, which for the first time injects supernatural elements into his brand of gun-blazing storytelling. The story is so compelling, two Hollywood studios are already in talks to acquire it—despite its publication date being more than a year away. After that comes a trilogy of novels, based on his acclaimed short story, which appeared in James Patterson’s Thriller anthology. New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry calls Liparulo’s writing “Inventive, suspenseful, and highly entertaining . . . Robert Liparulo is a storyteller, pure and simple.” He lives with his family in Colorado.

Visit Robert Liparulo's Facebook Fan page:


Their destiny is to fix history. Their dream is to get home.

When you live in a house that's really a gateway between past and present, you have to be ready for anything. It's a painful fact the Kings have faced since moving to Pinedale eight days ago. Desperately trying to rescue their mother from an unknown time and place, brothers Xander and David have lunged headlong into the chaos of history's greatest--and most volatile--events. But their goal has continually escaped their grasp.

And worse: Finding Mom is only a small part of what they must do, thanks to the barbaric Taksidian. His ruthless quest to sieze their house and its power from them has put not only the family, but all of mankind, in grave danger.

Somehow, the key to it all hinges on Uncle Jesse's words to the boys: "Fixing time is what our family was made to do." But how can they fix a world that has been turned updisde down--much less ever find their way home?

At long last, the secrets of the house and the King family are revealed in the stunning conclusion to this epic series.

If you would like to read the Prologue and first Chapter of
Frenzy, go HERE.

Sign up for the Frenzy Newsletter

Rel:~ I have nothing but good things to say about Bob and his books! My daughter and her cousins clamour for the latest Dreamhouse Kings book ~ EJ has snapped it up and started reading ~ and I love his adult thrillers and have introduced many a male friend, in particular, to them. And if that's not enough to convince you to buy his books, Bob is simply a terrific person with a real passion for young people, especially keen to encourage them to expand their horizons by reading!

So, sit tight, I will have EJ's review of Frenzy up soon...she does have homework, you know ;-)

Book trailer for Ronie Kendig's Nightshade

Listen up! Ronie Kendig's new Nightshade series releases in July, 2010 and I can't tell you how excited I am about this series! I have had the privilege of reading Nightshade and loved every minute of it ~ action, suspense, engaging characters, love, pain, friendship and men in uniform - LOL!

While you are waiting for Nightshade's release in July, check out the trailer, visit Ronie's website and blog and buy her current release Dead Reckoning ~ you won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Coming in October from Tyndale House

Here are some books that I can't wait to read and review which release from Tyndale House in October this year. All the covers appeal to me but especially Chris' Almost Heaven ~ just gorgeous.

How about you?

Almost Heaven by Chris Fabry

Billy Allman is a hillbilly genius. People in Dogwood, West Virginia, say he was born with a second helping of brains and a gift for playing the mandolin but was cut short on social skills. Though he’d gladly give you the shirt off his back, they were right. Billy longs to use his life as an ode to God, a lyrical, beautiful bluegrass song played with a finely tuned heart. So with spare parts from a lifetime of collecting, he builds a radio station in his own home. People in town laugh. But Billy carries a brutal secret that keeps him from significance and purpose. Things always seem to go wrong for him.

However small his life seems, from a different perspective Billy’s song reaches far beyond the hills and hollers he calls home. Malachi is an angel sent to observe Billy. Though it is not his dream assignment, Malachi follows the man and begins to see the bigger picture of how each painful step Billy takes is a note added to a beautiful symphony that will forever change the lives of those who hear it.

Catching Moondrops by Jennifer Erin Valent

Jessilyn Lassiter no longer has to convince people she’s not a child. Having just turned 19 in the summer of 1938, her love for Luke Talley has never been more real. And Luke is finally beginning to care for her in the way she’s always dreamed of. But their budding romance is interrupted when Tal Pritchett—a young, black doctor—comes to Calloway, stealing the heart of Jessilyn’s best friend, Gemma, and stirring up the racial prejudice that has been simmering just beneath the town’s surface.

The tension starts to bubble over when Jessie’s elderly neighbor Miss Cleta becomes the first white townsperson to accept Tal’s treatment. And when a young black man is lynched, Calloway is brought to its knees once again as Jessilyn realizes that her anger can make her heart as full of hate as the klan members who have terrorized her town and her family.

Pursuit of Justice by DiAnn Mills

Special Agent Bella Jordan is assigned to investigate a series of murders in West Texas that are linked to the Spider Rock Treasure. Since she spent the first fifteen years of her life in this area, FBI authorities believe she can get the job done. What they don’t know is that one of their prime suspects—a man who’s been on their wanted list for years—is deeply connected to Bella’s past.
The other prime suspect is Carr Sullivan, the man who owns the ranch where the murders occured. Carr was once one of the wealthiest businessmen in Dallas and has a shady past a mile long. But it appears he’s turned his life around. Can Bella trust him, or is he just trying to cover his tracks?

As Bella probes deeper into the case, threats on her own life convince her the killer is someone she knows. But it soon becomes clear he’s not working alone, and she’ll need to face the past she’s tried so desperately to forget in order to solve the case and prevent more murders.

Book trailer for Kristen Heitzmann's Indivisible

I have just completed my review of Kristen Heitzmann's psychological thriller, Indivisible, for TitleTrakk so I will post it here in a week or so with some Aussie giveaways.

I was thoroughly engaged with this one, although the content might be a little too much if you are particularly sensitive

Check out the trailer while you are waiting!

Monday, 24 May 2010

Coming soon from Waterbrook Multnomah

Here's a preview of Waterbrook Multnomah's August to October releases this year.

Which ones grab your attention? Click on the links for more....

The Bridge of Peace by Cindy Woodsmall

Love alone isn’t enough to overcome the obstacles between a man and a woman.

From New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall, comes an invitation into Amish country Le
na Kauffman is a young Old Order Amish schoolteacher who has dealt all her life with attention raised by a noticeable birthmark on her cheek. Having learned to move past the stares and whispers, Lena channels her zest for living into her love of teaching. But tensions mount as she is challenged to work with a rebellious young man and deal with several crises at the schoolhouse that threaten her other students. Her lack of submission and the use of ideas that don’t line up with the Old Ways strengthen the school board’s case as they begin to believe that Lena is behind all the trouble.

One member of the school board, Grey Graber, feels trapped by hi
s own stifling circumstances. His wife Elsie has shut him out of her life, and he doesn’t know how long he can continue to live as if nothing is wrong. As the two finally come to a place of working toward a better marriage, tragedy befalls their family.

Lena and Grey have been life-long friends but their relationship begins to crumble amidst unsettling deceptions, propelling each of them to finally face their own secrets. Can they both find a way past their losses and discover the strength to build a new bridge?

August, 2010

The Miracle of Mercy Land by River Jordan

What if you had the power to amend choices you made in the past? Would you d
o it even if it changed everything?

Mercy Land has made some unexpected choices for a young woman in the 1930s. The sheltered daughter of a traveling preacher, she chooses to
leave her rural community to move to nearby Bay City on the warm, gulf-waters of southern Alabama. There she finds a job at the local paper and spends seven years making herself indispensable to old Doc Philips, the publisher and editor. Then she gets a frantic call at dawn—it’s the biggest news story of her life, and she can’t print a word of it.

Doc has come into possession of a curious book that maps the lives of everyone in Bay City—decisions they’ve made in the past, and how those choices affect the future. Mercy and Doc are consumed by the mystery locked between the pages—Doc because he hopes to right a very old wrong, and Mercy because she wants to fulfill the book’s strange purpose. But when a mysterious stranger shows up, Mercy begins to understand she may have to choose between love and loneliness . . . or good and e
vil . . . for the rest of her life.

September, 201

Lady in Waiting
by Susan Meissner

Love is a choice you make every day.

Content in her comfortable marriage of twenty-two years, Jane Lindsay never expected to watch her husband Brad pack his belongings and walk out the door of their Manhattan home. But when it happens, she feels powerless to stop him and the course of events that follow Brad’s departure. Jane finds an old ring in a box of relics from a British jumble sale and discovers a Latin inscription in the band along with just one other word: Jane. Feeling instant connection to the mysterious ring bearing her namesake, Jane begins a journey to learn more about the ring—and perhaps about herself.

In the sixteent
h-century, Lucy Day becomes the dressmaker to Lady Jane Grey, an innocent young woman whose fate seems to be controlled by a dangerous political and religious climate, one threatening to deny her true love and pursuit of her own interests. As the stories of both Janes dovetail through the journey of one ring, it becomes clear that each woman has far more influence over their lives than they once imagined. It all comes down to the choices each makes despite the realities they face.

September, 2010

Judgement Day by Wanda L Dyson

Sensational journalism has never been so deadly.

The weekly cable news show Judgment Day with Suzanne Kidwell promises to expose businessmen, religious leaders, and politicians for the lies they tell. Suzanne positions herself as a champion of ethics and morality with a backbone of steel—until a revelation of her shoddy investigation tactics and creative fact embellishing put her in hot water with her employers, putting her credibility in question and threatening her professional ambitions..

Bitter and angry, Suzanne returns home one day to find an entrepreneur she is
investigating, John Edward Sterling, unconscious on her living room floor. Before the night is over, Sterling is dead, she has his blood on her hands, and the police are arresting her for murder. She needs help to prove her innocence, but her only hope, private investigator Marcus Crisp, is also her ex-fiancé–the man she betrayed in college.

Marcus and his partner Alexandria Fisher-Hawthorne reluctantly agree to take the case, but they won’t cut Suzanne any slack. Exposing her lack of eth
ics and the lives she’s destroyed in her fight for ratings does little to make them think Suzanne is innocent. But as Marcus digs into the mire of secrets surrounding her enemies, he unveils an alliance well-worth killing for. Now all he has to do is keep Suzanne and Alex alive long enough to prove it.

September, 2010

Dragons of the Valley by Donita K Paul

War threatens the peaceful land of Chiril… can one painter-turned-reluctant-swordsman really help?

With an invasion of her country imminent, Tipper Schope is drawn
into a mission to keep three important statues from falling into the enemy’s clutches. Her friend, the artist Bealomondore, helps her execute the plan, and along the way he learns to brandish a sword rather than a paintbrush.

As odd disappearances and a rash of volatile behavior sweep Chiril, no one is safe. A terrible danger has made his vicious presence
known: The Grawl, a hunter unlike any creature encountered before.

To restore their country, Tipper, Bealomondore, and their party must hide the statues in the Valley of the Dragons and find a way to defeat the invading army. When it falls to the artistic Bealomondore to wield his sword as powerfully and naturally as a paintbrush, will he answer Wulder’s call for a champion?

September, 2010

Divine Appointments by Charlene Baumbich

With the big 5-0 fast approaching, Josie Brooks begins to question her structured, picture-perfect (mid)life.

Josie Brooks, at the age of 47, thought she was leading an enviable single life. A successful consultant, she calls her own shots, goes where the money is, and never needs to compromise. But her precisely managed world begins to falter during a Chicago contract when an economic downturn, a bleeding heart boss, and the loyalty and kindness between endangered employees ding her coat of armor.

Throw in hot flashes, a dose of loneliness, a peculiar longing for intimacy, an unquenchable thirst—not to menti
on a mysterious snowglobe with a serene landscape, complete with a flowing river and lush greenery that seems to be beckoning her in—and Josie’s buttoned-up sense of status quo is on the verge of coming completely undone. Maybe her solitary existence hasn’t been as fulfilling as she has convinced herself to believe.

It will take a few new friends, a mystical encounter, and an unexpected journey to set Josie on her own path to “right-sizing” and making the life changes that really matter. Filled with laugh-out loud moments and a gentle dash of inspiration, Divine Appointments is another heartwarming charmer from a master story

September, 2010

Two Tickets to the C
hristmas Ball by Donita K Paul

Can mysterious matchmaking booksellers bring two lone
ly hearts together in time for Christmas?

In a sleepy, snow-covered city, Cora Crowder is busy preparing for the holiday season. Searching for a perfect gift, a
fortuitous trip to Warner, Werner, and Wizbotterdad’s (a most unusual bookshop) leads to an unexpected encounter with co-worker Simon Derrick. And the surprise discovery of a ticket for a truly one-of-a-kind Christmas Ball.

Every year, the matchmaking booksellers of the Sage Street bookshop host an enchanting, old-fashioned Christmas Ball for the romantic matches they’ve decided to bring together.

This year, will Simon and Cora discover a perfect chemistry in their opposite personalities and shared faith? Or will the matchmakers’ best laid plans end up ruining everything this holiday?

October, 2010

Tandem by Tracey Batemen

As obsession and loss become dark partners, how far must the people of Abbey Hills go to survive?

Six months ago, brutal murders shook the small Ozark town—murders that stopped after a house fire reportedly claimed the killer’s life. Lauryn McBride's family auction house has taken responsibility for the estate sale of one of the victims—the enigmatic Markus Chisom. Submerging herself in Chisom’s beautiful but strange world, Lauryn welcomes the reprieve from watching Alzheimer’s steal her father from her, piece by piece. She soon realizes that centuries-old secrets tie Abbey Hills to the Chisom estate and a mysterious evil will do anything to make sure those secrets stay hidden. Even the man who grew up loving her may not be able to protect Lauryn from the danger.

When Amede Dastillon receives an unexpected package from Abbey Hills, she hopes it might be the key in tracking down her beloved sister, long estranged from her family. Visiting Abbey Hills seems the logical next step in her search, but Amede is unusually affected by the town, and when mutilated carcasses begin turning up again in the small community, the local law enforcement isn’t sure if they are confronting a familiar evil or a new terror.

Two women brought together by questions that seem to have no answers. Can they overcome the loss and darkness threatening to devour them—or will their own demons condemn them to an emotional wasteland?

October, 2010

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