Cindy Preston & Jeremiah Silverman

Debbie Viguie is well known for her YA Sweet Seasons fiction series. With her Psalm 23 Mysteries she turns her hand to suspense with a twist, a Rabbi and a church secretary combine forces to solve a murder! I'm looking forward to reading The Lord is My Shepherd.
Here's a look at her protagonists. Over to you, Debbie:~
Cindy - long, light brown hair, green eyes, fair skin, around thirty
Jeremiah - Olive skin, black hair, dark eyes, very tall and muscular, around thirty
Actor/famous person
My husband and I love playing the “who would we cast as…” game. After much discussion, here's what we came up with:
Cindy - Maggie Lawson (she plays Juliet on Psych); her eyes aren't the right color, but she's got the right look and she's a great actress
Jeremiah - Misha Collins (he plays Castiel on Supernatural)
Strengths and weaknesses
Cindy - her faith is incredibly strong, but she is a very fearful person. She is overly obsessed with trying to be safe.
Jeremiah - he also has incredibly strong faith and an ability to spring into action when needed. He also finds himself drawn to getting involved in the mystery to help Cindy even when he feels that he shouldn't involve himself further. He runs toward danger instead of away from it.
Cindy - fiddles with a deck of cards when she is nervous
Jeremiah - he analyses what he's going to say before he says it
Your inspiration for the character
Cindy - I worked for two years as a church secretary and that's when I came up with the idea for Cindy. While the character is not based on me, she is, in my mind, symbolic of all the smart, nice girls out there who don't have a clue what they want out of life and are afraid of what might happen if they venture beyond their comfort zones. Too many people go through life afraid to take risks and I wanted to have Cindy start out there and then evolve into someone who is really standing up for herself and going after the things she wants in life. This first book in the series begins that journey.
Jeremiah - I have been blessed to have very strong, very compassionate men in my life. Jeremiah is inspired by both my father and my husband.
Background to the story
Cindy and Jeremiah come from two different worlds. When Cindy, a church secretary, stumbles across a dead body in the church sanctuary it is Jeremiah, the Rabbi from the synagogue next door, that hears her scream and comes to her aid. The two quickly find themselves tangling with a serial killer who is replicating the events of Passion week. As they learn more about each other and are thrust more and more into danger Cindy has to decide just how far she'll trust Jeremiah, a man she barely knows, who seems to have secrets of his own.
Thanks so much, Debbie :) This series looks very intriguing!
On Monday, the spotlight shines on the first book in Melody Carlson's As Young As We Feel series so stay tuned!
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I'm excited about the PSYCH/Maggie Lawson mention. Now I totally need to read this book.
I always love these types of posts :)
-Juju from Tales of :)
Nice post. i loved the book.
I'm looking forward to this one as well, Rel. Thanks for the spotlight. :)
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