Melody Carlson is giving us something different with her latest series, focusing on childhood friends now in their 50s, learning to adjust and live life to the full. Enjoy this insight into her lovely ladies!
Over to you, Melody:~
The class beauty, Caroline left Clifden with dreams of being a famous actress, marrying Prince Charming, and living happily ever after. After more than thirty years of bit parts and commercials, heartache and waiting tables, she left Hollywood to return to her roots and her friends. But caring for an aging mother with Alzheimer’s is a daily struggle and, if not for her friends, Caroline would be lost. Growing old is not for the faint of heart, and being a single 50-something caregiver is not what she signed on for.
Recently widowed, Janie has given up Manhattan and practicing law to reinvent herself in Clifden. With the promise of romance, Janie knows she should feel happy and hopeful, but moving on isn’t always easy. Fortunately, she has her friends to lean on and keep her grounded—friends who might need her as much as she needs them. And maybe she’s not ready to hang up her legal career just yet.
Linda Abigail AKA Abby Franklin
Abby never left Clifden. Married to her high school sweetheart for 35 years, she enjoyed domesticity and motherhood, but now with an empty nest and fears that her husband’s affections have strayed, Abby is unsettled, unhappy and unmotivated. Her friends challenge her to remember the girl within, igniting her to engage in life and look forward to the future.

Marley has survived an emotionally abusive marriage and consequential divorce. But relocating her life to her hometown stirs old hope—maybe her inner artist hasn’t been completely stifled. If she could just get past painter’s block. But good “girl” friends, a gallery owner, and a charming beach bungalow refresh her spirits and help her to realize that life really does offer do-overs.
Welcome to “Clifden,” Oregon
The Picturesque Setting of Hometown Ties
The fictional seaport town (Clifden, Oregon) is like a character in the book.
“Clifden” is the coastal town where the Four Lindas grew up—and the place they return to reunite their old friendship. Ironically, “Clifden” is strikingly similar to the town where my husband and I renovated a beach bungalow (Florence, Oregon—see photos).
Strengths and weaknesses
The strengths of the Four Lindas (as a whole) are found in their history (growing up in the same small coastal town) as well as in their ages (mid 50’s baby-boomers) along with their recently renewed friendships and the reinventions of each of their individual lives. Their “weakness” (as a group) might be a result of the strength of their friendships—they aren’t feeling terribly needy in regard to their male counterparts. But at the same time that sense of independence will ultimately strengthen, solidify, and clarify their romantic relationships.
Quirks (if any)
Caroline is trying to recover from princess syndrome.
Janie is a control freak.
Abby is an obsessive worry wart.
Marley is an insecure “free” spirit.
Your inspiration for the character
The characters are composites of friends I grew up with as well as women I know now—plus some snippets of myself.
Background to the story
HOMETOWN TIES is the second installment of The Four Lindas series. In this story, the four friends are settling into a new chapter of their lives, figuring out homes, facing challenges…as well as getting reacquainted with each other and trying to figure out their next moves in regard to career, romance, and life in general.
Thanks Melody for sharing more about your characters - it is a pleasure having you here :)
On Thursday the spotlight shines on Janice Hanna's Debbie Carmichael & Johnny Hartman from Love Me Tender
Relz Reviewz Extras
Interview with Melody
Character spotlight introduction to the Four Lindas
Visit Melody's website
Buy Melody's books at Amazon or Koorong
so i'm probably showing how young i am because except for sharon osbourne i have no idea who any of the other "lindas" are.
LOL! Not even Cheryl Ladd????
no...though the name sounds somewhat familiar
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