Thursday, 22 July 2010

Character Spotlight ~ Tricia Goyer & Ocieanna Fleiss' Rosalie Matthews


Tricia Goyer & Ocieanna Fleiss pair up again to write another historical romance in the Love Finds You line from Summerside. This time around it is the 1940s, during the height of WWII, when love blooms between an unlikely pair.

Enjoy this insight into Rosalie:~

Brief physical description

Have you seen the picture of Rosie the Riveter with the brown hair peeking past her bandana, a flexed bicep, blue jumper, and tough look? That’s pretty much our Rosalie, although she doesn’t grimace quite like that. I don’t think we purposely painted her to match the icon. It just sorta happened.

Actor/famous person

Early on we discussed a young Rita Hayworth, which definitely fits. But I have to admit, after watching His Girl Friday, I couldn’t help but imagine Rosalind Russell as our Rosalie. And her name even goes with it!

Strengths and weaknesses

Our Rosalie has a big heart! At one point in the story, Rosalie volunteers at the USO, collects pantyhose and old tires for the war effort, works to restore an old house, takes in ladies who have no place to live, helps a wounded soldier, and works to recruit more ladies to work at the plant. Phew! Rosalie can’t stop herself from working for victory. Like so many of the real Rosie the Riveters, she’s also strong, smart, and determined.

As is often the case, Rosalie’s strengths also represent her weaknesses. She tends to take too much on (gee, do you think?) and her powerful personality can lend itself to struggles with bouts of anger. She’s also terribly afraid of public speaking. As her path progresses, her new faith tempers some of this and she begins to find her hope in Christ rather than herself.

Quirk (if any)

Our girl likes to swing dance! The Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, Charleston—her dancing is one of the traits that drew Kenny (the hero) to her.

Your inspiration for the character

We were so impressed by the real Rosie the Riveters we read about, and then when we interviewed five of them (one who’s a stand-up comedienne at age 81) our admiration grew. We tried to capture at least a hint of their strength, sacrifice, and patriotism in Rosalie.

Background to the story

Many of the events, descriptions, locations, slang, music, movies etc. sprang from the period’s true history. As you’re reading, if you wonder, “Did this really happen?” chances are they did. (Note: You can find a list of some of the real history behind Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington on Ocieanna’s blog.

The Second World War has stolen Rosalie’s fiancé from her. But rather than wallow, Rosalie throws herself into her work at the Boeing plant in Seattle, shooting rivets into the B-17 bombers that will destroy the enemy. A local reporter dubs her “Seattle's Own Rosie the Riveter,” and her story lends inspiration to women across the country.

While Rosalie’s strong arms can bear the weight of this new responsibility, her heart cannot handle the intense feelings that begin to surface for Kenny, the handsome reporter. Fear of a second heartbreak is a powerful opponent—but will it claim victory over love?

Thanks so much ~ what a great insight into Rosalie and women's contribution to the war effort!

On Monday we head to the Vietnam War with a spotlight on John Aubrey Anderson's Bill Mann from his military thriller, The Cool Woman

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of Love Finds You in Lonesome Prairie, Montana

Character spotlight on Julia Cavanaugh

Visit Tricia's website and blog

Buy Tricia & Ocieanna's books at Amazon or Koorong


Jenny said...

I'm really looking forward to this one...thanks for the spotlight! :)

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