Fashioned by the hand of God and the rib of man, the first woman’s story was born, one of exquisite joy and crushing heartbreak that would forever shape the destiny of all humankind.
Havah and the Adam live a life of beauty and ultimate harmony in the Garden created by the One for his creation. Communing as one with their Creator, the animals, the earth and its overflowing bounty, joy and peace fill their souls until that fateful day. A day when temptation and desire collided with the enticing allure of the serpent’s honeyed words. Their idyllic world shatters and turns against them and Havah and her Adam find themselves alone in a hostile and barren world.
Guilt, accusation and bitterness replace joy, harmony and delight as the Adam and Havah attempt to come to terms with their separation from the One and begin their life long journey hoping to return to the Garden and the refuge found in their Creator.
Tosca Lee’s latest novel, Havah is destined to become a classic in the vein of Francine River’s Redeeming Love. Spanning Adam’s creation, their expulsion from the garden, Abel’s murder and the passing of Adam, Havah is an epic and explosive novel. Stunning prose and evocative imagery hallmark this retelling of life’s beginnings through the heart and voice of Eve, known as Havah.
Clearly evident on each page is Tosca’s extensive research and heart for truth. Tosca opened my eyes and mind to elements of Eve’s story that often go unexplored when reading the Genesis account. The devastating effect of Adam’s attempt to absolve himself of responsibility upon their relationship, the fear engendered when animals they had communed with in the garden turned on them, vicious and bloodthirsty, their constant hope of returning to the Garden and the parental guilt that must have flowed from Cain’s murder of Abel.
Tosca Lee’s talent for the written word is unparalleled in this genre and Havah is an unforgettable tale. I continue to ponder the challenges and inspiration gleaned from its pages and I will never read those early Genesis chapters with a jaded eye again. Havah is a life impacting story and should not be missed.
I have selected Havah for my Book Club in 2009 and I can’t wait for the discussion it will generate.
Thanks to the wonderful folk at Glass Road PR, I have a copy of Havah to give away. To enter:
1. Post a comment before midnight on Sunday 7th December, 2008
2. Tell me which old testament story you would like to read in a novel or one you already have read and enjoyed.
This giveaway is open to all my readers :)
Amen and Amen. By far Havah is my favorite book of 2008. An amazing read! Now that you've posted your review, you can read mine. :) LOL!
Oh, I want to read this SO badly. Demon was my best read last year, I think. (does that qualify as an old testament read?) It really made me think about alot of things differently than I had - and I'm sure Halvah will too.
I think my favorite old testament story is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I'm sure you already know, it's a retelling of the story of Hosea. Not exactly a modern day retelling - it's set a hundred years or so ago, but it's really good.
Lalycairn (at) - off to read Michelle's review.
I've heard such great things about this book--I'm intrigued! I enjoyed Francine River's novella about Rahab--that was a terrific book. I'd like to read one about Deborah, too.
I liked Demon too. Would love to read this one too. I have read some great books on Esther, Ruth and of course the Chronicles of the Kings series were the best ever.
After all the raving you've done about this book I can't wait to read it please put me in the draw!
Favourite old testament story to have read... 'The Heavens Before' always stands out in my mind as eye opening and amazing. I also loved 'Dark Hour' about Athalia, Ahab and Jehoshebeth.
Tosca Lee is one of the most talented and insightful authors of all time. Her talent alone sets her apart, but her biblical understanding amazes.
I would love to win this novel, Rel.
OT stories . . . Bathsheba, a deeper study of Elijah and Elisha, Joseph
Please enter me :). I'd love to have a print copy of this book so I can actually read it!
I'd like to see David novellized. There's enough in his life to create a nearly soap opera like novel!
The story of "Ruth and Naomi!" One of my Biblical favorites. Thanks for the chance to win this book. Cindi
Wow! This sounds like good reading!!! Please enter me in. You are asking which old testament story I'd like to read in a novel, well actually the story of Eve would have to be at the top of my list!
I would love to read this book,so please add my name too.The Old Testament novel is The Heavens Before and the others in te series.
I'd love to read this one.I haven't really read much fiction/non-fiction (outside of Bible study materials or the Bible itself) related to the Old Testament. I have been told though that I need to read Francine Rivers. I believe there's one called "The Red Thread" or something like that which was specifically recommended.
Thanks for the entry in your draw.
Oh, I'd love to win this book. Thanks for the contest.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
It sounds like another quality read along with Books such as "Reedeeming Love", "The Heavens Before", and "The Scarlet Thread", "A lineage of Grace" and "One Night with the King". Sounds like i have covered alot of the old testament women. I am waiting for Koorong to get in Francine Rivers Sons of Encouragement, so i guess those old testament men are the stories i would next like to read. Havah sounds wonderful especially if it is as good as my favorite book "The Heavens Before". It would be interesting to hear about the fall of man from the perspective of a woman!
Louise Veenstra
I have loved reading the story of Leah & rachel as retold by Liz Curtis Higgs
I'd love to win!
rebornbutterfly {at} sbcglobal {dot} net
I enjoy reading most books about the people of the old testament but especially enjoyed A lineage of Grace. Maybe a novel about Job would be an interesting read Wendyb
I really enjoyed Francine Rivers' Lineage of Grace series and I remember enjoying Orson Scott Card's story of Sarah (Abraham and Sarah). I would LOVE to read this - I've heard such wonderful things about it!
ladyufshalott at
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