Ever connect with a character in a novel?
Wish he or she was real person?
Wonder how the author created such a fun, fearless, or thought provoking character?
Well, wonder no more! Here at Relz Reviewz we are going behind the scenes to find out more about some of the characters you have come to know and love through the eyes of their very own creators, the authors themselves.
On Monday 29th September, my first Character Spotlight will highlight Rachel Hauck's engaging artist, Elle Garvey from Love Starts With Elle.

Please drop by on Monday to enjoy Rachel's insights and to share your thoughts on Character Spotlight!
Oh this sounds fun and interesting. The scary thing is, sometimes I connect enough with some author's characters that I "feel" like I am them. IS that good writing? Or am I just a little weird? ;)
Enjoyed stopping by for a visit as usual. As a writer, unpublished so far but I'm working on that, I always feel connected with my characters and often have trouble letting their story come to a close.
Blessings from Costa Rica
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