Today the spotlight shines on..................................PJ Sugar
Susan May Warren is always on my must read list! This new series is off to a great start with the lovely and confused PJ working out her place in life and hot on the trail of a murderer. I am looking forward to where Susie takes PJ, Boone and Jeremy. Be sure to pick up your own copy and let me know what you think of this inside look into PJ and her fellas!
Over to you, Susie:~Brief physical description
PJ has blonde hair, only it’s dyed red. She’s curvy, and is most comfortable in a pair of superman pajama pants and a tank top!
When Agent Renee Walker (Annie Wersching) of 24 walked onto the screen this season, I thought I was seeing PJ in the flesh! Cool!
Actor/famous person for Boone and Jeremy
Michael Weatherly from NCIS for Boone and Life on Mars' Jason O'Mara for Jeremy.
Rel: I can picture Annie and Michael as PJ and Boone but need to think more on Jason as Jeremy! What do you think?
Strengths and weaknesses
PJ is an optimist – she believes the best in people, and will do whatever it takes to be a friend. Also, so is creative and spunky - not afraid of going beyond her boundaries to pursue justice. However, sometimes she lets her passion overtake her common sense and she finds herself in way over her head. Good intentions are her folly!
Quirk (if any)
She likes donuts, the beatles, her VW, flipflops, sunbathing, and…mysteries. She is way too curious for her own good!
Your inspiration for the character
Hmm…well, I often say that PJ is my alter-ego – if I didn’t have 4 kids and a hubby PJ would be me. But she’s braver than me, I think. Maybe I’d just like to be all the great parts about PJ!
Background to the story
I cooked up this story after I bought a widow’s mite for my husband from a local ancient coin dealer. I was shocked at his inventory, and when he told me that he collected ancient coins to the days back to Nero, I was fascinated. I did some googling, and discovered there were a lot of interesting ancient coin stories. About that time, I lost an auction at E-bay and remembered thinking – hey, if that person only knew how badly I wanted that item, maybe they would let me buy it. If I knew how to get a hold of them! Which made me think a lot about E-bay and fencing ancient coins. My PJ Sugar imagination went from there….
Thanks Susie ~ loved your thoughts on PJ and am looking forward to where she goes from here and with whom - LOL!
Stay tuned for Monday's spotlight on another redhead, Elizabeth White's Gilly Kincade and her artistic director, Jacob Ferrar from Tour de Force.
Blog Tour Contest from Susie
Hunt up Trouble!
PJ Sugar's first novel - Nothing But Trouble is popping up all over the country! Go Hunting for Trouble, and let me know where you see the book.
Send me the Name of the Bookstore where you found it (and the city, please), and we'll put your name in a drawing for a preview copy of The Great Christmas Bowl my Christmas Novella, coming out this fall! (Promo coming soon!) And…send me a PHOTO of you and the book in the bookstore, and we'll add your name 5x!
And you'll also be eligible to win a cool SUGAR Personal SPA BASKET!!
So go....Hunt up Trouble! Find all the details here -
While you're at it, be sure to check out the great posts on this tour by clicking here!
Relz Reviewz Extras
Review of Nothing But Trouble
Visit Susie's website, blog and PJ Sugar's own website, Got Sugar!
I love donuts, sunbathing, and mysteries - does that make me a little quirky too? *grin*
I'm definitely looking forward to this one.
Thanks for reviewing the book! This has to be one of the most unqiue reviews on the blog tour. I love it!
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